Thursday 13 January 2011

زهرا هر لحظه ممكن است اعدام شود

زهرا بهرامى ٤٥ ساله،  كه  شهروند هلند نيز ميباشد به قصد ديدن فرزندش به ايران رفته بود. چند روز پس از تظاهرات ششم دی (عاشورا) ١٣٨٨، وی در اتومبيلی همراه با سه نفر دیگر درحال تردد در تهران توسط ماموران وزرات اطلاعات دستگير شد. ابتدا به زندان اوين٬ سپس به  زندان گوهردشت منتقل شد و پس از مدتی برای باز جویی بیشتر به زندان اوین و به بند مخوف ۲۰۹ منتقل گردید.

مدتهای طولانی وی در سلول انفرادی محبوس بود. از ملاقات با خانواده‌اش محروم گردید و طی مدت بازداشت وی اجازه یافته است صرفا چند دقيقه با خانواده‌اش تلفنی صحبت کند. مامورین وزرات اطلاعات به خانواده‌ زهرا فشار آوردند که از هرگونه افشاگری و اطلاع ‌رسانی به خبرگزاریهای خارجی پرهیز کنند. شکنجه‌های جسمی و روانی ممتد و فشار روانی در سلول انفرادی٬ محروم بودن از وکيل و حيله‌گریهای کثیف بازجويان وزرات اطلاعات او را وادار به اعترافات تلويزيونی علیه خودش کرد. "اعترافات" زهرا بلافاصله عليه وی بکار گرفته شد.
. يورى روزنتال وزیر امور خارجه هلند٬ اخيرا از سفیر ایران در هلند خواست تا سريعا سرنوشت زهرا بهرامی را مشخص كرده و به دولت هلند اطلاع دهند. كميته مبارزه براى آزادى زندانيان سياسى بارها از دولت هلند درخواست كرده ايم كه جهت نجات جان زهرا بهرامى اقدامات موثرى به عمل بياورند, زهرا شهروند هلند نيز ميباشد و دولت هلند مسئول حفظ سلامتى و جان او ميباشد.
زهرا در وضعیت جسمی و روانی بسیار درناکی است.
همانطور كه قبلا به اطلاع رسانديم کمیته مبارزه برای آزادی زندانیان سیاسی با پیگیری وبکار گرفتن همه توان خود برای آزادی زهرا از چنگال خونین این جانیان بکار برده و خواهد گرفت. زهرا درانتظار اقدامات فوری همه ماست.
ما مصرانه از شما مردم آزادیخواه در سراسر جهان میخواهیم که دفاع از زندانیان و دستگیر شدگان مبارزات اخیر را در سرلوحه فعالیتهای خود قرار دهید٬ جمهوری اسلامی با ریختن خون زندانیان سیاسی و ایجاد فضای رعب و وحشت تلاش دارد روحیه آنان را در زندانها بشکند و هم تاثیرات مبارزات مردم در داخل و خارج برای رهایی زندانیان سیاسی را خنثی کند. تلاشهاى مذبوحانه رژيم و این پرونده سازی کثیف و ضد بشری باید از جهان متمدن پاسخ دندان شکن بگیرد.
با ارسال نامه به وزير امور خارجه هلند و امضا طومار حمايت از زهرا بهرامى به كمپين نجات جان زهرا بپيونديد. زندگى زهرا در خطر است!
براى امضا كردن طومار به سايت كميته مراجعه كنيد:
( اين طومار به يورى رزنتال , وزير امور خارجه هلند و پارلمان اروپا ارسال ميشود)

نامه اعتراضى ضميمه ميباشد.

لطفا يك كپى از نامه اعتراضى خود را به ما ارسال داريد

كميته مبارزه براى آزادى زندانيان سياسى در ايران

دوازدهم ژانويه ۲۰١١, ٢٢ديماه١٣٨٩

Urgent Appeal:

11 January 2011
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Uri Rosenthal
PO Box 20061, 2500 EB, The Hague, The Netherlands
Re: Ms. Zahra Bahrami

Dear Uri Rosenthal

I am writing in regards to Zahra Bahrami's case, her alleged conviction, her trial and her death sentence by the Islamic Regime in Iran.

I am aware of all your efforts to communicate with the Iranian authorities regarding Zahra Bahrami’s case; I am also aware that the Iranian government has not taken any action thus far.

I would like to draw your attention to the urgency of Ms. Bahrami’s case and the fact that the only way to prevent Ms Bahrami’s execution is by putting a constant pressure on the Iranian regime and its embassy in the Netherlands.

Under the article 5 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (24 April 1963), Promoting and protecting the interests of Dutch nationals abroad is one of the core tasks of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The time is running out and her life is in a great danger. Zahra is a Dutch citizen and her rights must be protected by the Dutch government. Failure to do so could send Zahra, an innocent person, to execution, and that short coming would be directly reflected on the Dutch government.
We urge you to take an action immediately. Ms Bahrami’s execution sentence can be carried out at any moment. People around the world expect you to act urgently.

Please see below list of 717 people who have supported Zahra Bahrami through our ongoing online petition.

Sincerely yours

Shiva Mahbobi


Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)

Cees J. Kole

Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tehran

Catherine Ashton

High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Zahra Bahrami’s death sentence has been confirmed
Her execution sentence can be carried out at any moment

Zahra Bahrami, a Dutch- Iranian citizen has been held in prison in Iran since 27 December 2009. Zahra Bahrami travelled to Iran to visit her family, and while there, she was arrested and charged allegedly with “Moharebeh” (which means enemy of God) and “acting against national security”. Zahra was tortured and forced to make a televised “confessions” to admit her charge. Zahra was trailed on 16 August 2010, but was denied access to a lawyer. During the trial she repeatedly requested to have an access to a legal representative, but her request was ignored.

Since August 2010 Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI) has been trying to draw an international attention towards the situation of Zahra by setting up an online petition, sending several letters to the Netherlands’ foreign minister, contacting media and human rights organisations and holding demonstrations. Hundreds of people have already sent protest letters to the Iranian regime in support of Zahra demanding her immediate release.

The European Parliament resolution of 8 September 2010 on the human rights situation in Iran stated that: “the Iranian Government reconsider Zahra Bahrami's case, immediately grant her access to a lawyer and consular assistance, release her or grant her due process; calls on Baroness Ashton, the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, to raise the issue of Zahra Bahrami's detention with the Iranian authorities”.

The Iranian authorities have come up with a new accusation which claims that Ms Bahrami had cocaine and opium in her possession at the time of her arrest. This is a well known tactic of the Iranian regime to use drug as pretext to legitimised execution of Zahra who is a political prisoner.

In an interview with Radio Netherlands Banafshe Najebpour, Zahra’s daughter mentioned: "The last time I have seen my mother was Tuesday last week. She was doing quite well, and she was certain that she would receive help from the Dutch government because she knows she hasn’t done anything wrong. But we didn’t get any help."

Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI) is seriously concerned about Zahra’s life and safety. CFPPI has been campaigning to support and to demand Zahra Bahrami to be freed immediately. CFPPI has asked people to keep the pressure on the Islamic regime of Iran to free Zahra Bahrami. We have also urged Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take an action to save Zahra’s life. Zahra is a Dutch citizen and her rights must be protected by the Dutch government. We call on all human rights organisations and concerned individuals to write to Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Uri Rosenthal and urge him to take an action to save Zahra Bahrami.

The only way to prevent Zahra‘s execution is by exerting continuous pressure on the Islamic regime directly.

Zahra Bahrami and his family need your support

Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)

12 January 2011

Take an action, by sending a protest letter to the address below:

Dear Mr Uri Rosenthal

I/we express concern for the situation of Zahra Bahrami. I/we urge the Dutch government to put pressure on the Islamic Regime of Iran to overturn Zahra’s dead sentence and release Zahra Bahrmai immediately and unconditionally.

Name/ organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

City/country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Uri Rosenthal

PO Box 20061,2500 EB The Hague, The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 3486486

Fax: + 31 70 3484848

Email form:

Or email address:

Please send a copy to: , ,

Mr Cees J. Kole , Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tehran, Email:

You can also send your protest letters to the Iranian Embassy in your country.

Please send a copy for our record to:

Sign our online petition in support of Zahra Bahrami

(This petition will be sent to Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Uri Rosenthal and members of European Parliament)

Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran(CFPPI)

Shiva Mahbobi
Campaign Organiser

BM Box 6754, London WC1N 3XX, U.K.
Tel: +44 (0) 7572356661

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