Saturday 21 August 2010

احتمال صدور حکم اعدام برای زهرا بهرامی

زهرا بهرامى ٤٥ ساله، در جريان اعتراضات ششم دى ماه ١٣٨٨ دستگير شد. بهرامى كه  شهروند هلند نيز ميباشد به قصد ديدن فرزندش به ايران رفته بود. وى پس از دستگيرى به زندان اوين منتقل شد و بيش از شش ماه در بدترين   شرايط در بند ٢٠٩ زندان اوين نگهدارى شد. از زمان دستگيرى تا كنون، زهرا بهرامى مرتبا تحت فشار و شكنجه هاى جسمى و روانى بوده است. جمهورى اسلامى وى را متهم به محاربه و تبليغ عليه نظام كرده و با شكنجه و رفتارهاى  غيرانسانى وى را مجبور به اعتراف تلويزيونى كردند تا به اين وسيله به بهرامى فشار بيشترى آورده و جو رعب و وحشت در ميان مردم بوجود بياورند.
. در تاريخ ٢٦ مرداد ١٣٨٩ زهرا بهرامى در بيدادگاه رژيم اسلامى بدون داشتن وكيل محاكمه شده و قاضى صلواتى قصد دارد حكم اعدام وى را صادر كند. زهرا بارها درطول دادگاه به نداشتن وكيل اعتراض كرد اما در جواب به تقاضاى وى ، قاضى صلواتى اعلام كرد كه حكم قطعى وى ١٠ روز پس از دادگاهى اعلام خواهد شد.

زندگى زهرا در خطر است!

جمهورى اسلامى از هر وسيله اى براى فشار آوردن به زندانيان سياسى و از هر فرصتى براى صدور احكام اعدام استفاده ميكند. بايد با تمام نيرو جمهورى اسلامى را به عقب رانده و با اعتراضات سراسرى و بين المللى رژيم را وادار كنيم احكام اعدام را سريعا لغو كرده و زندانيان سياسى را آزاد كند.

زهرا و دو فرزندش به كمك شما نياز دارند.

كميته مبارزه براى آزادى زندانيان سياسى از شما مردم آزاديخواه دعوت ميكند كه نامه هاى اعتراضى خود را هر چه سريعتر به دولت هلند ارسال داشته و از آنها بخواهيد به جمهورى اسلامى فشار بياورند تا فورى و بدون قيد و شرط زهرا بهرامى را آزاد كند۔

كميته مبارزه براى آزادى زندانيان سياسى در ايران

20 آگوست ٢٠١٠ – 29 مرداد ١٣٨٩

نامه اعتراضى ضميمه ميباشد.

لطفا يك كپى از نامه اعتراضى خود را به ما ارسال داريد

براى اطلاعات بيشتر لطفا با شماره هاى زير تماس بگيريد:

Parisa Pouyande on: +31 645 711 919
Shiva Mahbobi : + 44 (0)7984 445 278

Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Maxine Verhagen
PO Box 20061
2500 EB The Hague
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 70 3486486
Fax: + 31 70 3484848


Dear Mr Verhagen

I/we express concern for the situation of Zahra Bahrami. I/we urge the Dutch government to put pressure on the Islamic Regime of Iran to release Zahra Bahrmai immediately and unconditionally.

Name/ organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City/country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

شما ميتوانيد نامه اعتراضى خود را به سفير هلند در تهران به آدرس زير نيز ارسال داريد:

Mr Cees J. Kole
Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tehran


Fax: +98 21 2366 00190

Zahra Bahrami is in danger of being executed
Zahra Bahrami, a Dutch- Iranian citizen who travelled to Iran to visit her family has been arrested and trialled by the Islamic court on 16 August 2010 and sentence to execution.

Zahra Bahrami, 45, and mother of two has been in prison for 9 months. She travelled to Iran for a family visit, but was arrested following the Ashura protests in 27 December 2009. During her imprisonment Zahra has been severely tortured both mentally and physically. She initially spent more than six months in a solitary confinement in section 209 of Evin prison without being allowed to have visitors.

Zahra Bahrami has been allegedly charged with “Moharebeh” (which means enemy of God) and “acting against national security”. She was tortured and forced to make a televised “confessions” to admitting her charges. Forcing prisoners to make televised “confession” have been widely used by the Islamic regime to exert pressure, and to create fear amongst the prisoners as well as general public. Televised “confessions” were extensively used in 80s by the Islamic regime and also in aftermath of 2009 protests; most recently it was used in Sakine Ashtinai’s case.

Zahra Bahrami attended the Islamic court on 16 August 2010 and was denied access to a lawyer. During the trial she repeatedly requested to have an access to a legal representative, but her request was ignored, and she was told that her sentence will be confirmed 10 days after the trial.

Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI) is seriously concerned about Zahra’s case, and fear for her life and safety. We call on all human rights organisations and concerned individuals to take an action immediately by sending a protest letter to the Dutch foreign minister. Zahra Bahrami needs your support.

Campaign to Free Political Prisoners

20 Augest 2010

Take an action by sending a protest letter to the address below:

Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Maxine Verhagen
PO Box 20061,2500 EB The Hague, The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 70 3486486
Fax: + 31 70 3484848


Yo can also send your letter to:

C.J. Kole

Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tehran

No. 7, West Arghavan, Sonbol Street, Farmanieh

Tehran, Iran

Fax: +98 21 2366 00190


Dear Mr Verhagen

I/we express concern for the situation of Zahra Bahrami. I/we urge the Dutch government to put pressure on the Islamic Regime of Iran to release Zahra Bahrmai immediately and unconditionally.

Name/ organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City/country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Please send a copy of your letter to CFPPI for our record.

for more information please contact : Parisa Pouyande on: +31 645 711 919
Shiva Mahbobi : + 44 (0)7984 445 278

Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran(CFPPI)

Shiva Mahbobi
Campaign Organiser

BM Box 6754, London WC1N 3XX, U.K.
Tel: +44 (0) 7984445278

1 comment:

  1. I am an Iranian journalist, a woman, who is living and studying in Sweden. I am as old as Zahra. I have a 14 year old son. I'm a mother. I understand how her kid feels now. I sincerely urge the international organizations around the world to help Zahra. She is innocent.

