مصاحبه با زهرا بهرامی بعد از دستگیری اول که در تظاهرات عاشورا صورت گرفت و آزاد شد. بعد از این مصاحبه او برای بار دوم زندانی و در 29ژانویه 2011 اعدام شد
translation of the clip:
Translated by Tour Irani
She was arrested and released. Then she made this phone call in November 2009 from inside Iran to ePersian Radio in Washington D.C. and was re-arrested.
Zahra Bahram (Mrs. Kordieh): Greetings to you and to all freedom fighters across Iran. I apologize for my coarse voice. As you heard in the news on the day of Ashoura, I lay my shouts of rage on them [regime security agents] and I lost my voice. It's not a problem. I am willing to sacrifice myself for Iran. Now I want to talk to the "doctor" (previous caller) who called in from Germany. Mr. doctor! you are asking us not to use violence. You are not here and you don't know what they did to us on Ashoura. You weren't here when they ran over three youngsters with the security trucks right in front of my eyes, and you don't know how I felt at that moment. At that moment I was talking to this radio station and I screamed: they ran them over! they just killed three young people! their bodies went cold right in front of our eyes!
Sir, doctor! you are living in Germany! where are you? you are not here to see how they hit people! you never saw how they sliced a kid's fingers with a slice and the fingers ended up in the gutters! and blood gushed out in front of my eyes! and you expect me to stand around and watch? do you expect me to run away? For those asking, yes this is the voice of Kordieh Banoo...and I will speak up until this evil regime leaves us alone and is toppled. They will not be able to shut me up again. Mr. Doctor, sitting in Germany, do not give advice to us. Go do your physicians work.
Go make money for your family. We are swimming in blood here. We are here watching the sliced fingers of a kid in the gutters. We are watching three youngsters whose bodies went cold crushed under security trucks. They ran them over like they were bags of cement! what are you saying? who are you talking to? This is not Holland or Germany here! This is not Los Angeles either! No this is Tehran! the city of blood! Today a bus load of security agents poured into the university and attacked the students and broke their heads. They beat them up badly. They hit them over the head with bricks and rocks. These are the dirty Basiji bastards!
who do you think you are talking about? today they severely beat up the students in the university. They dragged their bodies out of the university! If you are looking for Ashoura, religious martyrs day, it was today! the martyrs were our kids at the university. Never again will we sit quietly and watch them beat us. We are not going to be beat into submission anymore.
We are not going to sit idle to watch them bury people like Sohrab and Neda while we sit around eating our dinner and prevent our kids from going outside! No! we will be on the frontlines from now. Yes we will get beaten but we will beat them up too. Yes from now on we will beat them too. I was one of the ones on the day of Ashoura standing in frontlines yelling at people to attack! do not run away!
why are you running way? I was yelling at them! what are you running away from? I was the one who stomped on one of the motorcycle of the Special Forces. And I was beaten as a result. I am proud of every bruise on my body. I am proud of my legs and arms that are now blue/ black. I am proud of my torn up vocal chords because chants of freedom came out of this throat! Please do not tell us to sit back. We won't!
Do not tell us to be silent! we won't be! Do not tell us not to beat them! we will! We will raise hell and tear them apart! From now on we will attack everything and anything that belongs to this regime! everything! this is not like the past anymore! You, Mr. doctor or engineer! and to you, the folks who are living Europe and have butlers, and are not helping this radio station, and you are sipping your 15 year old French wines in Europe and America, we are standing tall here. We will support this radio station and will not be silent anymore!
We will lay our rage on this regime from now on ! I want to thank the host here who did not leave us alone for a moment. We will see you again in the streets of Tehran. We are waiting for the Green Movement to see when our next gathering will be. We will be there in the streets of Tehran with clinched fists and with Iranian ire!
Yesterday I was at the cemetery even though I had not slept for two days! We were awaiting the body of of Mousavi's brother-in-law who was murdered. The cowards did not even show up with the body. They are scared of us. They do not want more protests like Ashoura!
متن فارسى و انگليسى جداگانه ضميمه است۔
Zahra Bahrami was hanged on Saturday 29 Januarys 2011
Dutch government silently watched
one of its citizen being executed by the Islamic Regime in Iran
Minister of Foreign Affairs Uri Rosenthal has frozen all official contacts with Iran, but it’s too little too late now. This and other measures reflect the horror of the execution of the Dutch-Iranian citizen Zahra Bahrami in Iran. Zahra Bahrami was a Dutch- Iranian citizen who was arrested and sent to prison in Iran on 27 December 2009. She was hanged on 29 Januarys 2011. This proves a clear failure of the Dutch government to protect one of its citizens.
Zahra Bahrami’s execution has provoked an international outrage at the barbarous crime committed by the Islamic Regime in Iran. The Islamic regime is infamous for its execution of thousands of innocent people since took power in 1979. It is no surprise that the Islamic Regime has defied all international calls to release Zahra Bahrami, the surprise comes from the slow act of the Dutch government to protect one of its citizen. It took the Dutch Minster of Foreign Affair so long to act on behalf of Zahra, and the Dutch government was so slow in taking any serious action to guarantee her safety until it was too late. Now that she has been executed, the Dutch government has frozen all official contacts with the Islamic Regime in Iran. This is clearly not enough, and far from recalling the Dutch Ambassador from Iran, and sever all ties with the Islamic Regime, a regime with clear record of crime against humanity.
The Dutch Government’s lack of a credible negotiation on behalf of Zahrah Barhami, and lack of a serious intention to pressure the Islamic Regime to release her has lead the Regime in Tehran to carry out this heinous act without facing a real challenge.
Shiva Mahbobi, the spokesperson for Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI) has sent numerous letters to the Dutch Foreign minister, and warned him of the consequence of inactivity in this case; she has also warned him of the Islamic Regime’s disregards for all international laws. Mrs Mahbobi has asked the Dutch Government, Foreign minister, and even the Dutch Ambassador in Iran to act fast and to pressure the Islamic Regime to release Zahra, but all these warning fell on deaf ears, and the Dutch government decided to ignore all calls to save Zahra Bahrami.
In a letter on11 January 2011 to Mr. Uri Rosenthal, The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Shiva Mahbobi mentioned “The time is running out and her life is in a great danger. Zahra is a Dutch citizen and her rights must be protected by the Dutch government. Failure to do so could send Zahra, an innocent person, to execution, and that short coming would be directly reflected on the Dutch government.” Again no action by the Dutch government.
Since August 2010 the CFPPI has been trying to draw an international attention towards the situation of Zahra by setting up an online petition, sending several letters to the Netherlands’ Foreign minister, contacting media and human rights organisations and holding demonstrations. The CFPPI continuously warned the Dutch government about Zahra’s case, and urged them to act on her behalf. The CFPPI has warned the Dutch government that the only way to prevent Zahra‘s execution is by exerting continuous pressure on the Islamic regime directly, but the Dutch government ignored all calls and continued its silence in this case.
The people of Netherlands ought to condemn the lack of action by the Dutch government to save Zahra Bahrami, and inquire an explanation from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. People in Netherlands need to know why their government didn’t take all the necessary measures, including restriction on the travelling of Iranian officials to the Netherlands, as a pressure tool to prevent her execution.
The Dutch government announced they have frozen official contacts with Iran to show their protest to the execution of Dutch-Iranian citizen Zahra Bahrami. This should have been done while Zahra was in prison awaiting her death sentence, this could have been done to save her from execution, but now it’s too little too late. The Dutch government needs to recall its ambassador to Iran, and close Iranian embassy in Netherlands. We ask everyone to show your protest and write to The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Sample letter is provided:
Dear Mr Uri Rosenthal
I/we express my utmost anger and outrage over the execution of Zahra Bahrami. Zahra was a Dutch citizen and she should have been protected by the Dutch government. In protest to Zahra Bahrami’s execution we demand that your government must recall its ambassador in Tehran; we demand the closure of Iranian embassy in the Netherlands.
Name/ organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City/country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Uri Rosenthal
PO Box 20061,2500 EB The Hague, The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 70 3486486 , Fax: + 31 70 3484848
Email form: http://www.minbuza.nl/en/The_Ministry/Contact_the_Ministry/Contact_us/General_questions_and_comments
Or email address: u.rosenthal@minbuza.nl
Please send a copy to: catherine.ashton@ec.europa.eu , eastgulf@amnesty.org
Please send a copy for our record to: freepoliticalprisoners@gmail.com
زهرا بهرامى شنبه ٢٩ ژانويه ٢١١ به دار آويخته شد
احزاب پارلمانی هلند خواهان بسته شدن سفارت جمهوری اسلامی شدند
وزير امور خارجه هلند , يورى روزنتال, اعلام كرده است كه بشدت از اعدام زهرا بهرامی شوکه شده است و تمامى ارتباطات رسمى را با ايران را در اعتراض به حكم اعدام زهرا بهرامى به حالت تعليق در آورد۔
حكم اعدام زهرا بهرامى اعتراض و خشم بسيارى از مردم و سازمانهاى آزاديخواه را بر انگيخته است, رسانه هاى هلند خبر به دار آويختن زهرا را در سطح وسيعى انتشار دادند؛ همه علاوه بر محكوم كردن حكم اعدام زهرا, سوالشان اين بود كه چرا دولت هلند جان زهرا را نجات نداد؟
زهرا بهرامى ٤٥ ساله، كه شهروند هلند نيز بود به قصد ديدن فرزندش به ايران رفته بود. وى چند روز پس از تظاهرات ششم دی (عاشورا) ١٣٨٨ دستگير شد, تحت شديدترين شكنجه هاى روحى و جسمى قرار گرفت و مجبورش كردند به عليه خود دست به مصاحبه تلويزيونى بزند۔ در اين اواخر زهرا در سلول انفرادى و تحت فشار شديد بود۔
از همان ابتدا خبر احتمال صدور حكم اعدام زهرا در رسانه هاى هلندى بسرعت پخش شد وبدنبال اطلاع رسانى و ارسال نامه هاى متعدد از سوى كميته مبارزه براى آزادى زندانيان سياسى و برخى از ر سازمانهاى حقوق بشر به وزير امور خارجه هلند و اتحاديه اروپا, دولت هلند با جمهورى اسلامى در رابطه با پرونده زهرا بهرامى تماس گرفت. در ماه آگوست ٢٠١٠ نمايندگان هلند ى پارلمان اروپا از مسئول سیاست خارجی پارلمان اروپا خواستند تا در رابطه با وضعيت زهرا بهرامى اقدام شود. اين فشارها رژيم و وزرات اطلاعاتش را برآن داشت تا با وارد کردن جرم دیگری در پرونده زهرا دستگيرى و حكم وى را توجيه كنند٬ اینبار اعلام گردید که وی به هنگام بازداشت کوکائين و هروئين به همراه داشته است! اين سياست را رژيم بارها براى توجيه اعدام زندانيان سياسى بكار برده است. دختر زهرا بهرامى , بنفشه ناجب پور بارها از دولت هلند تقاضا كرد كه مادرش را نجات دهند۔
در تاريخ ١١ ژانويه ٢٠١١ شيوا محبوبى نامه ديگرى همراه با طومار امضا شده توسط بيش از ٧٠٠ نفر را به آقاى روزنتال وزير امور خارجه هلند ارسال كرده و روى در خطر بودن جان زهرا تاكيد كرده , دولت هلند را مسول حفظ جان زهرا اعلام كرد و خواستار عكس العمل موثر و فورى دولت هلند شد۔ ما بارها تاكيد كرديم كه خطر اعدام زهرا به محض فروكش كردن فشارها روى رژيم اسلامى ايران بيشتر ميشود۔ در روز ٢٧ ژانويه ٢٠١١ در ملاقات با چند تن از مسولين كميته حقوق بشر پارلمان اروپا وضعيت زهرا بهرامى مطرح و نامه اى در اين رابطه از سوى شيوا محبوبى و طومار امضا شده به آنها تحويل داده شد۔ تمامى اين فعاليتها كمك كرد كه اعدام زهرا مرتبا به تعويق بيافتد و رژيم نتواند زهرا را اعدام كند۔ در ادامه دور جديد اعدامها از سوى رژيم , با كم شدن فشار بر روى رژيم در رابطه با وضعيت زهرا بالاخص از جانب دولت هلند, رژيم طرح شوم خود را براى كشتن زهرا عملى كرد۔
عليرغم نامه هاى مكرر كميته كميته مبارزه براى آزادى زندانيان سياسى به دولت هلند, اين دولت اقدام موثرى جهت نجات جان زهرا بهرامى انجام نداد۔ اقدام دولت هلند مبنى بر تعليق ارتباطات رسمى با ايران در اعتراض به حكم اعدام زهرا بهرامى اقدام مثبتى است اما
به هيچ عنوان كافى نيست۔ دولت هلند بايد سفيرش را از ايران فرابخواند و سفارت رژيم اسلامى را در هلند ببندد۔
ما از همه مردم آزاديخواه دعوت ميكنيم كه به آقاى روزنتال وزير امور خارجه هلند نامه نوشته و خواهان بستن سفارت رژيم اسلامى در هلند بشوند۔
دولت هلند و ساير دولتها بايد احكام صادر شده توسط رژيم را و خطرى را كه متوجه جان زندانيان سياسى است جدى بگيرند و اقدام موثرى در اين رابطه انجام دهند۔ نبايد اجازه داد دولتها و سازمانهاى جهانى از زير بار مسوليت شانه خالى كنند۔
تنها راه توقف اعدام زندانيان سياسى اعتراض مداوم و موثر عليه جمهورى ااسلامى ايران ۔
نامه اعتراضى به انگليسى و فارسى ضميمه ميباشد۔
آقاى يورى روزنتال
من اعتراض و خشم خود را نسبت به اعدام زهرا بهرامى ابراز ميدارم۔ زهرا بهرامى شهروند هلند بود و بايد توسط دولت شما حمايت ميشد۔ در اعتراض به اعدام زهرا بهرامى ما از شما ميخواهيم ه سفير خود در تهران را فراخوانده و سفارت رژيم اسلامى در هلند بسته شود۔
كشور :
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Uri Rosenthal
PO Box 20061,2500 EB The Hague, The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 70 3486486 , Fax: + 31 70 3484848
Email form: http://www.minbuza.nl/en/The_Ministry/Contact_the_Ministry/Contact_us/General_questions_and_comments
Or email address: u.rosenthal@minbuza.nl
رونوشت: catherine.ashton@ec.europa.eu , eastgulf@amnesty.org
لطفا رونوشت نامه را براى ما نيز ارسال داريد: freepoliticalprisoners@gmail.com
Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran(CFPPI)
Shiva Mahbobi
Campaign Organiser
BM Box 6754, London WC1N 3XX, U.K.
Tel: +44 (0) 7572356661
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